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Spring - VA
전체 동영상

전체 동영상


Introduction To Materialise

As a means of introducing you to the full workshop capabilities Knights Park has to offer, we are asking you as small groups to research and present the possibilities of Thinking Through Making.

The campus is home to an amazing selection of workshops that we expect you to access and utilise over the coming three years. But what do they mean to you and how can these different processes be used to develop your practice and content of your work?

In order to do this we will introduce and utilise the three words that make up the module title for IA4003; Research, Record and Present. These are all key factors in uncovering, reflecting upon and sharing interests and ideas throughout your time at Kingston and beyond.



In groups of six, you will be given a verb to explore. Using reference to the list of the Thinking Through Making workshops, your group will research, document and devise a presentation to the class offering an insight into the physical implication of your word in relation to the use of specific equipment and processes (demonstrating what they do and how they work etc…).

As well as this, it is important that you also assess and present thoughts on the expanded interpretation of your word. How processes and equipment in the workshop might be used to communicate those ideas. For example the word Press; You may want to talk about mechanical processes in the workshops that

press, flatten or squeeze. However, you should also consider what these words mean in a broader context. Look for synonyms and how they are applied as metaphor. What does it mean to press a point, to put pressure on someone or to feel flat?




• A 10 minute group presentation that successfully unites the physical and metaphorical interpretation of your word using the workshops in Knights Park.

• Well documented evidence of your presentation to be presented on a blog using illustration, photograpy, text, video and sound.




It is your continuing resoponsibility to make use of the Workshops in Knights Park. If you learn something from someone else’s presentation that peeks your interest go and explore it. Try and sign up for as many inductions as you can.



3D Workshop




3D-casting / metal / plaster

3D-hackspace and 3d printing/scanning


3D-tools / windy tools

3D-ceramics and enamelling

3D-treatments, spray paint / sandblasting / laser-cutting / plasma-cutting / cnc machine

Digital Media Workshop – digital applications/ CAD / hackspace / 2D printing / 3D printing / 2D scanning / 3D scanning

Fashion Workshop – sew / knit / weave / textile printing

Letterpress and Book-arts Workshop – guillotine / book construction / letterpress

Moving Image Workshop – studio / green screen / rostrum / Phantom camera / filming / audio / post-production

Photography Workshop – studio / lighting / developing / digital processing / printing

Printmaking – stencil / relief / intaglio / publishing

The idea sketch and research of separare

The research of separare

Various types of workshop

Recording through the various workshop

Workshop practice. Making the stuff.

Recording practice


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